Fareham in Bloom Winners!

Fareham in Bloom Winners!

Blooming brilliant! Fareham 2023 winners

The annual event has been brightening the Borough for 25 years with radishing and unbe-leaf-able displays.

Residents from throughout the Borough submitted photographs of their garden spaces since the competition opened in April. This year, Fareham have turniped the volume!

A series of prizes were up for grabs – including an annual subscription to the Council’s Garden Waste Scheme, vouchers from sponsors, St Margaret’s Nursery and gardening gifts. The winners, along with one guest, have also been invited to a tea party in the Mayor’s Parlour on October 26th to receive their prizes.

Local residents have been voting for their favourites from the categories and the two entries with the most votes from each category were visited by the judging panel on August 11th to decide the winners – and the results are finally in!

Best Garden


A residential garden of any size, front or back.
Winners will have received an annual subscription to the Council’s Harden Waste Scheme.


Winner: Alan Howsam and John Hooper


Runner-up:  Claire Doel



Shop fronts, pubs, cafes, restaurants, businesses, schools, children’s nurseries.
Winners will have received a £25 voucher for St Margaret’s Nursery.

Winner: Park Gate Primary School

Runner-up: Redlands Primary School

Something Small


Hanging baskets, window boxes, potted plants, small unusual garden features, a small area of your open space that you are proud of.
Winners will have received a £25 voucher for St Margaret’s Nursery.


Winner: Patricia Kelly-Blyth


Runner-up: Elizabeth Quinn

Community Floral Display


An area of open space within your road/street that the community looks after, community centres, sheltered housing grounds, care/retirement homes, outdoor communal areas.
Winners will have received a £25 voucher for St Margaret’s Nursery.


Winner: Keeping Sarisbury Green Association


Runner-up: Burnham Wood and Tangle Wood

Young Green Fingers


(for 16 year olds and under)

Something the children have planted or grown, a unique area that they have created within an outdoor space.
Winners will have received a small gardening gift of their choice e.g. bug hotel or gardening.


Winner: Oliver and Isabella Rae


Runner-up: Joshua Clifton

Sustainable Garden


Planting to encourage wildlife, grow your own fruit and veg, allotments, recycling materials and using minimal resources.
Winners will have received a £25 voucher for St Margaret’s Nursery.


Winner: Melanie Gray


Runner-up: Julia Scott