01 Jul Plastic free July
Plastic free July
We live in a fantastic part of the world with a beautiful blend of countryside and coast on our doorstep.
But if we want to protect our oceans, clean up our streets and protect our beautiful communities, we all need to work harder to fight plastic pollution.
The global ‘Plastic Free July’ movement encourages us all to get rid of single-use plastics, and plenty of our local highstreet shops offer great alternatives that will help us make those all-important changes to our daily lives.
Here are just some of the ways our local retailers can change the way you shop, and help you live plastic free.
Shop loose produce
The Fruit Basket in Stubbington offers loose produce for customers bringing their own bags and provides paper ones – which can be reused or recycled after use. This is a great way to cut down on plastics, while only buying what you need can help to lower your food waste!
Check them out for their opening times!
Go for biodegradable packaging
Plastic is not easily biodegraded, taking hundreds if not thousands of years to break down, releasing harmful chemicals on its way. Obvs Skincare is 100 per cent plastic-free and all products come in biodegradable packaging. Suitable for those prone to eczema, psoriasis and acne, Obvs skincare is offers an organic, vegan and sustainable alternative that’s easily swapped into your everyday routine!
Take a look at their website for a full list of products!
Make some small swaps in your everyday routine
Always Plastic Free in Warsash is a plastic free shop that makes it easier than ever to swap out the plastic items in your everyday routine for some great alternatives. To give you some inspiration, here are a few items you could get from Always Plastic Free to kickstart your Plastic Free July!
Like what you see? Head over to their website below to see what’s in stock!
Get involved with our community
The Litter Ladies and Lads that Lunch is a Portchester-based community that adopts sustainable choices through zero waste and plastic free lifestyles. Local residents can also register to join beach cleans to help conserve the local area.